Improv Gestures

Here are some more gesture drawings from our class yesterday. The actors are always moving unless they play a freeze game. It's so much fun!

If you get a chance you should also check out what my buddy Paul Briggs has been doing too. His stuff is amazing! Not only does he capture the poses but he's able to get a lot of storytelling and character across as well.


  1. These look great, some really nice shapes and angles. It looks like you were using a pen, but what is that grainy shading you're getting from? I like that texture with the smooth pen line. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks Kendra! I use a pen and a chinamarker. The chinamarker is great for throwing down some quick tones. And if I start to get too tight with the pen I switch and just draw with the chinamarker.

  3. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Nice- I love chinamarkers too. great watercolours!

  4. Great gestures! Big fan of your watercolours as well.

  5. Just found your blog. Awesome stuff. Hope you are doing well !

  6. Like these a lot! Really like the guy at the top looking down at his guitar. Great blog! Michael

  7. Wow, awesome loose figures! Love 'em

  8. Nice work. I also liked the work of your buddy. Thanks for giving the link of that work.
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