Finger Puppet Dude

I am WAY behind on my interwebbing.  A little over a month ago I had a night off and I busted out these really small pieces for Bear and Bird's Small Stuff 6 show.

Finger Puppet Dude Ollies
Ink & Watercolor
2"x 3"

Finger Puppet Dude in the Rain
Ink & Watercolor
2"x 3"

Finger Puppet Dude Chills Out
Ink & Watercolor
2"x 3"

Finger Puppet Dude Skates
Ink & Watercolor
2"x 3"
I was having fun with this guy so I did these four additional pieces.
I then hid them randomly in the frames with each of the other four. 

The show is up (it has been for a couple of weeks now, sorry) and you can find some awesome artwork for sale by a ton of talented artists.  Here's the link to the shop.  And here's the link to the photo gallery of all the pieces.
My apologies to all of you who have emailed me.  I will get back to you as soon as I can.  Work is very busy right now, in a good way.

Our Time

Our Time
Ink & Watercolor

Here's my entry for the Mad Monster Party a while back.  So much fun!

In a couple of days Bear and Bird will be having an opening for Small Stuff 6 and I have a couple of really small pieces I did for that.  I will post those as soon as the artwork is available online.  Stay tuned!

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry.


In other news,... check out this Mad Monster Party group show!  Should be fun!  Lots of amazing talent.  But you might want to check it out sooner rather than later 'cuz the online sale is going up soon.  Click on any word in this sentence for a speedy link.  Enjoy!

More Gesture Drawings

All of these poses were from 30 seconds to a minute.

Starter Art

Bear and Bird is having another show right now for new art collectors.  If you are in the mood to start up a little art collection here's a link to their shop and here's a link to their flickr stream from the show.  Sorry about the delayed post.

Lord Bill of the Banyan
3" x 5"
Ink and Watercolor

There's a long story behind Lord Bill of the Banyan, his left-handed guitar and the letter he is sending, but that's for another time.  Maybe.  Enjoy!

My Neighbor Totoro!

I finally got a chance to show my kiddos Totoro last weekend. Let's just say Totoro has now taken over our house. These are some of the Valentine's cards I made for them.

The cards are really tiny, about 1.5" by 2", perfect for hiding.

Statler & Waldorf

Here's a little watercolor I did for a friend:

Sorry about the lack of updates. Hopefully there will be more coming soon.